When Bacteria goes viral!
Josie and Dorothy's work has just been published in Science journal, and everyone is already speaking about it!
"Life-threatening superbug spreads globally in cystic fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 10th 2016, Kate Kelland
"A superbug that threatens people with Cystic fibrosis is spreading globally".
Published Nov 11th 2016
"Life-threatening superbug spreads globally in cystic fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 10th 2016, Kate Kelland
"Multi-drug resistant infection spreading globally among Cystic fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 11th 2016, Kate Sweeney
"Life-threatening superbug spreads globally in cystic fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 10th 2016.
"Evolving bacteria a global threat to cystice fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 10th 2016, Dick Ahlstrom
"Multi-drug resistant infection spreading globally among Cystic fibrosis patients".
Published Nov 11th 2016,
"A life-threatening infection is spreading globally people with Cystic fibrosis".
Published Nov 11th 2016.